Photo Credit:
Silver Maple - credit: Joseph OBrien, USDA Forest Service, Bugwood.org
Silver Maple
Acer Saccharinum
Silver maple is one of the fastest growing deciduous trees of the eastern and midwestern forests.
Price reduction!
Thanks to Huron River Watershed Council for utilizing the MDNR Forest 2 MI Faucet grant funds to make these Riparian species more accessible!
Bonus: Click to apply the code: HRWC2025 and get another 25% off!
Current Sale size: 2-3 ft. bare-root transplant.
Growth Rate: Rapid
Soils: Sand, Clay, Loam
Moisture: Moist to Dry
Shade Tolerance: Full sun to part shade.
Mature Height: 50-80 ft.
Mature Spread: 40-60 ft.
Deer Damage Potential: low
Origin: Native
Uses: Wildlife, Ornamental, Shade,
USDA Plant Profile