Highbush Blueberry
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Highbush Blueberry

Highbush Blueberry

  • $25.00 $45.00 $95.00
    Unit price per 

Only 4 left!

Vaccinium corymbosum

The berries are eaten raw, smoke-dried, sun-dried, boiled, and baked in a wide variety of culinary settings. They have one of the highest concentrations of iron of the temperate fruits. The fruits provide important summer and early fall food for numerous species of game birds, songbirds, and mammals.

Current Sale Size: 12-18" Bare root plants.

Age: RC + 1  (Root clipping plus one year growth)

Growth Rate: Rapid (10-15" / year)

Soils: Sand, Loam

Moisture: Dry to Wet

Shade Tolerance: Full Sun to Shade

Mature Height: 6-12 ft.

Deer Damage Potential: High

Other: Self Fertile. Requires pH <6.8.

Wildflower.org Plant Profile
USDA Plant Profile