Photo Credit: Walters Gardens
Photo Credit:
Photo Credit: Walters Gardens

White Yarrow

  • 4.5" pot
    Flat of 38 - 2" plugs
    Unit price per 

Only -49 left!

Achillea millefolium L.

AKA Common Yarrow, Western Yarrow, Yarrow, Milfoil

Yarrow has a long blooming season and is low maintenance.  A hearty plant for any garden, with big clusters of small white flowers and green to dark green fern-like foliage. Blooms create a sort of blanket over the greens.  Blooms last for several weeks in the heat of summer.  Yarrow also comes in yellow, pink and purple blooms.

Shade Tolerance: Part Sun to Shade

Moisture: Dry to Moist

Soils: Sand, Loam, Clay, Poor

Height: 12" - 14" tall

Bloom Time: July-Sept

Color: White Plant Profile
USDA Plant Profile