Photo Courtesy of Photographers: Wasowski, Sally and Andy, Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center.
Photo Credit:
Photo Courtesy of Photographers: Wasowski, Sally and Andy, Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center.

American Elm

  • $12.00 $50.00
    Unit price per 

Only 70 left!

Ulmus americana

The American Elm is a versatile tree, used for both its wood and its beauty. Its form remains ideal for use as a street tree, with branches that create a unique arch over roads. Also a good Riparian zone species.

Current Sale Size: 2-3 ft. bare-root transplant.
Sourced from non-selected seed, so it is susceptible to Dutch Elm disease

Growth Rate: Slow (0-8”/yr.)

Soils: Sand, Loam, Clay

Moisture: Moist

Shade Tolerance: Full Sun, part sun

Mature Height: 60-80 ft., up to 100 ft.

Origin: Native

Deer Damage Potential: Low

Other: Fall color, wildlife Plant Profile
USDA Plant Profile