2023 Fall Tree & Native Plant Sale
Online Sale Ends: September, 17th!
To browse and shop all products, scroll down and select products.
From each of the product pages, you can choose your quantity and add to your cart.
You can browse by category:
Conifers (bare root) - Still Available!
Planting Aids - Still Available!
Native Plants including: - Sold out, we reached out capacity!
Garden Kits (38-cell flats) - Sold out, we reached out capacity!
Trees & Shrubs (1 gallon pots) - Sold out!
Rain Barrels - End of Season inventory sale!
Pick-Up your order at the distribution:
Friday, September 29, 2023, 1 PM - 6PM
Washtenaw Farm Council Grounds
5055 Ann Arbor-Saline Rd.
Ann Arbor, MI 48103
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