Good News, Bad News sandwich!

Posted by Doug Reith on

Good News, Bad News sandwich!

Good News: Many more conifers left for sale!

Five species of bare-root conifer seedlings are still available in singles and bulk pricing until the sale closes on Sept 8th! 

Bad News: Reached our capacity for potted Native Plants!

We sold out of the 1 gallon potted Trees & Shrubs quick, and we've reached our limit on our native plant sales for this event. So the garden kits and quart pots are no longer available. 
HOT TIP: if you volunteer, we always have some extra to sell to volunteers first. Otherwise, there may be some in the Extra Sales on Friday 9/20.

Good News: Clearance sale on Coco-mat weed guards!

In addition to many other planting aids, we offer these popular biodegradable coco mats to suppressing weeds around seedlings and young trees. And now we're offering them at half-off!

Final Good News: We still have rain barrels, totes, and composters

We'll be doing Spring and Fall Sales ever year! So, if you missed out, we hope to see you in 2025! 

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