Back in stock, Michigan Lily!
Posted by Doug Reith on
A very popular plant, the Michigan Lily, sold out quite quickly. However, we're please to announce that we've added 6 more to our inventory from the supplier! Then can be finnicky to grow, so let's hope they all make it to size by June! Thanks for the enthusiasm for Native Plants!
Product Update: Royal Red Honeycrisp replaced by original Honeycrisp
Posted by Doug Reith on
This product was previously the Royal Red Honeycrisp Apple (EMLA-111 rootstock), but the supplier ran out. We've substituted and updated the product to the original Honeycrisp (EMLA-7), this root stock is similar in size. While it isn't the trademarked "royal red" it is the original Honeycrisp and is more fire blight resistant. More on rootstocks. Customers who purchased the Royal Red Honeycrisp variety have been informed. For swaps, contact the Resource Coordinator, Doug Reith, at or 734 - 302 8713.
Volunteers receive early store access
Posted by Doug Reith on
On behalf of the WCCD staff and our partners: Thank you, Volunteers! We are grateful to our many volunteers who help make WCCD events happen. As a thank you to our volunteers and partner organizations, they are invited to the store's early access period for orders before the public sale is open. Want to volunteer for WCCD in the future? Fill out our volunteer interest form and we'll get in touch!
Announcing the New and Improved WCCD store!
Posted by Doug Reith on
New in 2021! Redesigned style and layout. Multiple criteria filtering! Browse by sun preferences, soil types, and more. Main menu drop downs organize our products into categories by event. Many new plants! For comments or complaints, contact Doug Reith, WCCD Resource Coordinator at: or (734) 302-8715