Now available: 275 Gallon Totes for rain water catchment!
Posted by Doug Reith on
In addition to our Rain Barrels & accessories, we now offer a 275 Gallon Tote for those big rain water catchment system dreams to become reality. The tote is fitted with a valve, cleaned, and painted primer white and ready to catch your rain. Rain barrels, totes and supplies will be available year-round and pickup dates will be scheduled monthly or bi-monthly depending on demand.
It's 2021! Get your Invasive Species Calendar now!
Posted by Doug Reith on
The 2021 JLW CISMA INVASIVE SPECIES CALENDAR highlights several invasive species found in the area and provides tips on how to prevent their spread to new areas. Funds raised from these sales will directly support our efforts to perform early detection and rapid response when new species are found, and provide quality educational programming for both youth and adults! The Jackson Lenawee Washtenaw Cooperative Invasive Species Management Area (JLW CISMA) is a grant funded organization that works to address invasive species related needs in the Jackson, Lenawee and Washtenaw county region. Learn more about JLW CISMA:
Shrubs Update - New Inventory and products sold out
Posted by Doug Reith on
Unfortunately the Tree & Shrub sale is sold out of Serviceberry, Paw Paw, and Pussy Willow, we have had a lot of excitement around these this year, and our nursey supplier is all out. On the bright side, we were able to increase our inventory for American Hazelnut, Deer packets, Wetland packets, and highbush blueberry. Thanks again for all those who got their purchases in early. We will certainly aim to increase our numbers to meet demand in the future.
Stay Tuned! - More shrub inventory coming
Posted by Doug Reith on
Our Wildlife Shrub offerings in the Tree & Shrub sale section have sold fast. The bulk quantities for many are currently sold out or nearly, we are requesting more from our nursery suppliers, but are waiting for confirmation. If you're looking for shrubs, hang tight, we will hopefully make them available again as we can.
Serviceberry - Sold out!
Posted by Doug Reith on
Saskatoon Serviceberry was a huge hit this year, and sold out not even 1/3 into our sale period. Unfortunately, our supplier is also out, so we are unable to increase our presale inventory. We apologize to those who weren't able to get serviceberries this year. We'll do our best to order more in advance next year. For a list of what has already sold out, see this page.