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Pear, Asian 'Hosui'

  • $29.00
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Pyrus pyrifolia 'Hosui'

"This Asian variety is solid russet with pronounced lenticels. Ripening in late August, fruit is mildly flavored, sweet" - Adams County Nursery

Current Sale Size: min. 1/2 - 3/4" caliper, 5-6 ft. bare-root transplant. Self-pollinating. 

Rootstock: Betulaefolia. "This rootstock is vigorous, well anchored and drought tolerant. The recommended spacing for plantings on this rootstock is 12’ between trees in the row and 20’ between rows."

Maturity Harvest Chart (PDF) - August

Years to bear: 4-6

Growth Rate: Moderate (6-12”/yr.)

Soils: Sand, Loam, Clay

Moisture: well drained

Shade Tolerance: Full sun

Mature Height: 12-15 ft.

Deer Damage Potential: High

Notes: may be susceptible to bacterial infections.