2023 - Spring Sales Return: Tuesday, January 3rd!
Posted by Doug Reith on
Don't miss out, sign-up for reminders today! All Spring Sales: Store Opens (Pre-Order): Jan 3rdPaper Forms Deadline: Feb. 20th Online Store Deadline: March 20th 2023 Spring Tree & Shrub Sale: Pick-up dates: Friday, April 28th 1p.m. - 6 p.m. Saturday, April 29th 9 a.m. - 11 a.m. Location: Washtenaw Farm Council Grounds 5055 Ann Arbor-Saline Road, Ann Arbor, MI 48103 (3 miles south of I-94, Exit #175). Extra Trees & Shrubs: Any extra trees will be sold on Saturday, April 29th starting at 10 a.m. at the Farm Council Grounds. 2023 Spring Native Plant Sales Pick Up...
2022 WCCD Plant Sales complete!
Posted by Doug Reith on
Thank you to all our customers for taking the time to steward your land, and all our volunteers for taking the time to help our event run smoothly! Interested to know more of what conservation resources were distributed by the WCCD in 2022? Read the Resource Coordinator 2022 Recap! Our sales will return in 2023, happy Fall Planting!
2022 Fall Presale is closed. Extras sold on Sept 30th
Posted by Doug Reith on
Did you miss the deadline or was something you wanted sold out? You might yet have a chance this fall. Come to the 2022 Fall Tree & Native Plant sale distribution day on September 30th at the Washtenaw Farm Council Grounds, we'll be selling any extra plants from 5pm-6pm, first come first served. No guarantee on what trees or plants will be available.
2022 Fall Native Plant sale - Closed early! Conifers still available!
Posted by Doug Reith on
Our Fall Tree & Native Plant sale was scheduled for a deadline of 9/18, but we've closed the Native Plant product sales early due to high demand. While we love to see the high demand and connect residents with native plants, We're limited in capacity to meet demand by the space we have available and the time to prepare the orders. But don't panic, there are various other plant sales going on this fall, and our Spring Tree & Shrub and Spring Native Plant sales will open in January 2023 with even more plants available! Last call for Conifers includes...
Final Rain Barrel sale!
Posted by Doug Reith on
Considering a rain barrel but didn't get one this year? We're selling our remaining Rain Barrel and associated supplies inventory from 2022, these will be available from our office by request or at our Fall Tree & Native Plant Sale pick-up on Sept 30th. Browse the remaining rain barrels and supplies, limited quantities remain.